Agri-Food Pilot Program extended
Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, along with Francis Drouin, Glengarry-Prescott-Russell MP and Norman Riopel, United Counties of Prescott and Russell Warden and Mayor of Champlain Township visited L’Orignal Packing Ltd. to confirm the extension of Agri-Food Pilot Program.
First launched in May 2020, the Agri-Food Pilot program helps address the labour needs of the Canadian agri-food sector by providing a pathway to permanent residence for experienced, non-seasonal workers in specific industried and specific occupations which facilitates the transition of workers experienced in agriculture and food industries to permamnent residency in Canada. The pilot program, which can process up to 2,750 applications annually, was set to expire on May 14th but Minister Fraser announced its extension until May 2025 as well as the removal of annual occupational caps which limited the number of applicants per occupation. Also disclosed was the changes to permanent residency transitions which will include accepting work experience gained uneder an open work permit and epanding open work permits access to families and allowing unions as well as employers to attest to a candidate’s experience.
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